Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Finally, some new pictures. It's been a while since I've written anything on here. Everyone is doing great. Cohen is getting so big. We had to take him to the doctor the other day because he had green snot oozing out everywhere, and he weighs...24+ lbs. Pretty big kid. He has cut 3 new teeth since Valentines Day. What a joy! The older boys just received their report cards and did pretty well. Carter is going to be going to a special math class after school for about 6 weeks starting on the 24th. Cameron has been going to a fencing class on Tuesday nights after scouts and he loves it. Colby is becoming quite the reader and he recently received one of only two 100% scores on a math accuity test in his class. We are very proud of all of our boys. Enjoy the new pics!
Reading a book with Cameron.

I really love this book

First, you dump out the toys and climb in...

And then you just sit in the box and have fun.

Does anybody else see anything wrong with this picture? Cameron and Colby sharing space and no one got hurt!

Cohen found a new place to play and he's sharing it with Carter.

Sharing the new place with Colby, too.

Sytrofoam tower of DOOM!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The girls are so strong. Look at them move this table.

This is Chuckie. He has been coming to camp forever. Since before I was in the ward.

Here are the girls performing their skit for the bishopric on visitors night.

Becca made the biggest and best candy bar ever!

Rivals? Alexa, BYU fan, and the bishop, Utah fan.
Sisters love each other!

Our fearless first years and sometime "Charlie's Angels"!

Paulina (exchange student from Germany), Lynsay, and Cassidy on a hike.

Our first years had such a good time. Here they are on one of the hikes.

Janet trying to play the bagpipes with Arden.
Since I am the Young Women's President in my ward, I get the honor of going to Girls' Camp each year with my girls. I have been going to Girls' Camp for the last 5 years because before I was Young Women's president, I was the camp director. I love going to camp with the girls and experiencing all the fun things we get to do at camp. I even went to camp when I was pregnant with Cohen. The previous pictures were from Girls' Camp 2008.