Sunday, February 15, 2009

Well, yesterday was Valentines Day. Gary and I went out to dinner at Iggy's on Friday night to try and avoid some of the craziness of the holiday. The boys all stayed home with Cas and had heart-shaped pizza for dinner. Yesterday, we had a fun-filled leisurely day at home. Gary sent me roses on Thursday and gave me a Wii Fit yesterday, which I have been wanting for some time (don't ask where he got it, I don't know. Apparently, they are VERY hard to find).
I found this incredible stuff at Costco called Yoplait Smoothie. It is frozen fruit and yogurt bits in a 2-serving pouch. You just dump it in the blender and add 1 cup of milk and hit blend. We had this for breakfast and it was delicious. We'll be getting more of that stuff.
The boys got some fun gift bags filled with things like bubbles and pencils and mazes. They also got giant Hershey's Kisses. They thought those were the coolest thing ever.
For dinner, I made 5-cheese tortelinni with meat sauce, vegetables and garlic bread. The boys loved it. It was really yummy. After dinner, the boys decorated some brownies. We tried to make them in a heart-shaped silicone muffin tin but I've decided that brownies don't work in silicone. They are too sticky. So they just decorated square ones made from the leftover brownie batter.
Here are some pictures. I hope everyone had a great and special Valentines Day!
Roses from Gary. Aren't they beautiful?

Carter with his Valentine's presents. His card had a bunch of kisses in it.

Colby with his Valentine's presents. His card was all about chocolate. The boy is a chocoholic!

Cameron looking too cool for his Valentine' presents. His card had Camp Rock music in it.

That's mom on the Wii Fit. It is so much fun!

Decorating brownies. Oh so messy but, oh so fun!

Cameron's creations. Delicious!

Colby's creations. The brownies and the face!

Carter's creations. Yummy!

Friday, February 13, 2009

I don't know how many of you have 5-year old's in Kindergarten, but they sure do have their own way of looking at things. Grandma and Grandpa Mills took Carter and Cohen to Carl's Jr. the other day so mom and dad could go to a meeting. Carter, of course, made some new friends while there, but had a hard time starting out. Grandma told him to go play with the kids, but Carter told her he couldn't because they were Spanish and he couldn't understand their "talk"! He got over that quickly and made a bunch of new friends.

Well, tomorrow is Valentines Day. We love Valentines Day at our house. First of all, it is the anniversary of when Gary and I were sealed in the temple. Yes, we went through on Valentines day 1996. So, it has extra special meaning for us. Also, any holiday that has an association with chocolate, is a winner in my book. Gary and I are going out to dinner tonight, hoping to beat the onslaught of people going out for the holiday. We are planning to have a fun/fancy dinner with the family tomorrow night. The boys are excited about that. Hopefully, we can get some good pictures and post them next week.

Happy Valentines Day to all!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Here are some pictures from Cohen's 1st birthday. He loves chocolate so, of course, we had chocolate cupcakes. Some people would think this a bad idea, but I always say, they're washable! The kids, not the cupcakes!
It was all my fault. I gave him the cupcake!
Frosting makes everyone happy!

It didn't take long for the cupcake to be demolished.
Whoa! What's that on my hand?

This is the best chocolate cupcake I have ever eaten! Wait, this is the only chocolate cupcake I've ever eaten.

Yeh, presents!

Cas and Brit gave him his first piano.

Something to pull around the house besides the Wii remotes or dirty laundry.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Here is Carter, the new big brother, holding Cohen for the first time, in the hospital the day after he was born. He loves being a big brother.
Cameron loves to help with Cohen. Here he is holding Cohen for the first time at the hospital the day after he was born.
Colby calls Cohen his twin because of their matching blond hair and blue eyes. He loved holding him at the hospital.
First bath at home. This was a couple of days after he came home.

I know these pictures are kind of old, but they are so cute. The boys love having Cohen for a baby brother. They love all the fun things he is always doing.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I just changed the background on my blog. Isn't it cute? I'm really getting into this blog thing, now that I know what I'm doing. Hopefully, I can get some more pictures posted in the next couple of days so everyone can see what cute boys we have!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This is my first post on my blog. Hopefully it will be useful to my family. I will try to keep the pictures and posts updated.