For those of you who don't know, I had bunion surgery on both of my feet about 7-8 years ago (Colby was crawling for my left foot and just walking for my right foot). Well, there was a pin in my left foot about halfway down to hold the bone in place where it was supposed to be. Recently, June 26 to be exact, this pin decided it no longer wanted to be part of my foot (the pin was supposed to stay in my foot indefinitely). Here are some pictures of it's journey out of my foot.

This is what my foot looked like with the pin trying to get out. Kind of like a big zit on the side of my foot. The only shoes I could wear were my Teva sandals.

This is my foot all wrapped up after I returned home from having the pin removed. It only took about 30 minutes for them to remove it and I was awake but really numb.

Here are the stitches. There were only three of them. We took the gauze off while I was at Girls Camp. I just had to keep a bandaid on it.

The star of the show! This is the pin they removed from my foot. It's an inch long and has a very sharp point on one end. I'm so glad it's out of my foot and I can wear flip flops again!
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