Easter was a lot of fun at our house. We colored eggs while the boys had 5 days off from school. Here are some pictures of the fun times we had.

Can you ever have too many colors to dye eggs with?

This is supposed to be my sunset egg. I don't know if you can see the subtle shading in the colors from yellow on top to orange and then red on the bottom. I just thought it looked cool.

Spy egg hanging out in the yellow egg dye. He was trying to infiltrate our party!

Some of the beautiful eggs we colored. The boys had a ton of fun. We colored almost 3 dozen eggs. They probably could have dyed another couple of dozen but we didn't have any more.

Easter morning! The Easter bunny brought them Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel along with lots of candy, kites, flip flops and books.

Mom and Dad weren't left out of the treats. The Easter Bunny brought us Sherlock Homes and some yummy candy!

There were eggs in very interesting places in the house.

Had to make sure the eggs were hidden really well.

Cohen had a ton of fun finding eggs. Cameron decided he was too grown up to look for eggs so he helped Cohen find some.

Even Dad got in on the action; finding eggs on top of the "plateau".
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